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Spring, 2025. I will teach a course in categorical logic, i.e., the category-theoretic study of mathematical logic, this semester for graduate students and researchers. Contact me or Prof. Jorge Picado if you are interested.

Apr 22, 2025. I will give a talk on games and categories in logic, topology and geometry at ALT (Algebra, Logic and Topology) Seminar, hosted by CMUC, Dept. of Maths, Univ. of Coimbra.

Dec 17, 2024. I gave a talk on definability and full abstraction for algebraic effects with recursion at ALT (Algebra, Logic and Topology) Seminar, hosted by CMUC, Dept. of Maths, Univ. of Coimbra.

Oct 19, 2024. 数理科学(サイエンス社) 2024年11月号に「圏論的論理学とトポス理論」というタイトルで記事を寄稿しました。日本全国の書店及びオンラインで販売されています。

May 17, 2024. I gave a talk on fully abstract game semantics for algebraic effects with recursion at Algebra, Logic and Computation Seminar, hosted by Centre of Maths, Univ. of Minho.

Feb 29, 2024. A preprint on algebra and computation for classical logic was submitted.

Sep 05, 2023. I gave a talk on topology and topoi via internal groupoids at Algebra, Logic, Topology Seminar, hosted by CMCU, Univ. of Coimbra.

Sep 05, 2023. I gave a talk on linearity and dependency at the Computing Foundations Seminar, hosted by Sch. of Computing, Australian National University.

Apr 25, 2022. I gave a talk on combinatorial foundations of constructive general topology at Topology Seminar, hosted by Sch. of Maths, Univ. of Minnesota.

Apr 14, 2022. I gave a talk on Curry-Howard isomorphisms without commuting conversions at Ottawa-Carleton Logic Seminar, hosted by Logic and Foundations of Computing Group, Univ. of Ottawa. 

Apr 8, 2022. I gave a talk on Curry-Howard isomorphisms without commuting conversions at Categories and Types Seminar, hosted by Mathematical Logic Group, Univ. of Amsterdam. 

Jun 16, 2021. I gave a talk (slides) on dependent types and finite limits in games at Hájek Seminar, hosted by Logic Group, Institute of Computer Science, Czech Academy of Sciences.

Jun 3, 2021. I gave a talk (slides) on dependent types and finite limits in games at Logic and Computer Science Seminar, hosted by Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto Univ.

May 11, 2021. I gave a talk (slides) on dependent types and finite limits in games at Categories and Types Seminar, hosted by Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, Univ. of Amsterdam.

Feb. 11, 2021. I gave a talk (slides; video) at HoTTEST Seminar hosted by Dept. of Maths, Univ. of Western Ontario.

Sep 21, 2020. I gave an online talk (slides) on the consistency of Martin-Löf type theory with formal Church's thesis at Mathematical Logic Seminar hosted by Dept. of Maths, Univ. of Padova.  

Aug 12-17, 2019. I participated in HoTT 2019.

Jul 7-10, 2019. I had a research visit to Dept. of Maths, Stockholm Univ.

Nov 7-10, 2017. I had a research visit to Dept. of Maths, Stockholm Univ.

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